Monday, 1 August 2011

Upcoming Optimizing Performance & Health Online Class

This course introduces some of the key techniques being used to optimize performance and health, wether it is in the area of business, sports, or even performing arts. Dr. Wilson’s "Optimizing Performance & Health" methods are based on training a state of mind where the person is totally focused, combining mental clarity and sustained energy with a sense of inner calm and active engagement.

At the end of the class participants will have a basic understanding of the Optimum Performance & Health software, created by Dr. Vietta "Sue" Wilson's BFE team. Participants will be aware of how to administer the Profile "Stress Assessment"; they will have seen how to administer the profile and create a report, and they will be able to start to work with Limited Edition software suite.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The 4 lessons are scheduled weekly at the same time and recorded for participants. If you miss a lesson you will receive the recording to review. For the hands-on virtual classroom demonstrations, instructors use BFE Limited Edition Suites and BioGraph Infiniti software with Thought Technology Infiniti hardware. Participants that use other equipment platforms are still welcome to attend. Please note that you will not receive online instruction on the use of your equipment, as the instructor may not be familiar with its specific operation.

Final date and time are to be determined shortly. Consult the BFE Shop for more information. The Online Class is currently on special, at $149.00, instead of $169.00.

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