Saturday, 13 August 2011

Alpha Theta Training

Health professionals use neurofeedback assessment and training for many purposes.  One of these is to stabilize the physiology of the brain.  This can result in a person having less dramatic reactions to internal or external stressors and a greater ability to return to a calm, focused place after the stress is resolved.  The brain can become more stable, resilient, and flexible.  Another very different purpose is to access psychological issues buried deep in the unconscious mind and, by combining neurofeedback with other therapies, attempt to help the person address and resolve these issues.  Commonly known as "alpha-theta" training after the two brain frequencies "Alpha" and "Theta", the professional monitors both frequencies until they start to cross-over.  When this occurs, the brain has reached a place that resembles a state between waking and sleeping or hypnosis.  The client and the health professionals can then work on resolving deep issues that may otherwise be hidden from view. Depending on the therapeutic approach of the health professional, the work during the session may focus on the client visualizing the person they want to become. By monitoring the brain's alpha-theta state, the health professional is able to keep the client in this in-between place without them falling asleep (the brain's frequency moving further into Delta) or waking up and judging themselves (the brain's frequency moving further from Alpha to Beta).  


This suite is meant for Alpha-Theta state training, which brings and individual to a level of consciousness between wakefulness and sleep. Applications of such state training include the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder, resiliance training for alcohol abuse and other addiction disorders, physchotherapy, and meditation. The suite includes a thirty minute script protocol for recording this state training, as well as several monitoring screens that track the patient’s progress. A clinical guide is also included.

By Dr.Knut Berndorfer


Dr Knut Berndorfer is a member of the Alpha-Theta online team.  This team is made up of clinicians, health professionals, researchers, students, software developers and other professionals that share a common interest in alpha-theta training.  For more information please contact the team at

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